Photometry laboratory
The effect of good light is a lot about psychology. The causes are a matter of physics.
Ask people ‘What is good light?’ and everyone will give a different answer from a different perspective – the physicist, the developer, the lighting designer, the architect, the electrician and the end customer. And they will all be right.
One thing is indisputable, though: The basis of good light is always high-grade technology. With LEDs, the difference in quality is not always visible at first glance. But it can be tested, measured and analysed – exactly what we do in our testing laboratory. This is where we ensure that each of our luminaires and components meets – or exceeds – our high requirements and diverse technical specifications.
What makes this quality assurance so important is that light and its effects impact everyone. We all come into contact with it in every aspect of our lives. And we want to make the experience an all-round positive one with our products.
In our stateoftheart photometry lab, we not only verify the faultfree functioning of our luminaires and all components – we also measure and test all relevant quality parameters such as power consumption and luminous fl ux, spectrum, colour temperature and colour rendering as well as fl ickerfree operation and glare.
All of that is very interesting in itself, but more important is what our customers get out of it:
Good light which
And you need information on lighting values, technical planning, installation situations or have questions about suitable lamps?
Just ask us